Render Autoscaling that works
using queue time instead of CPU or memory

Judoscale automatically and reliably scales your web services and background workers on Render.
Judoscale scaling charts

Explore for yourself in our sandbox app →

I was very excited to not see any Pingdom alerts this weekend. We got alerts every morning using Render’s autoscaler, but not with Judoscale. So awesome!

Nate Matykiewicz
Senior Developer, Dwell

Queue time, not CPU or memory

Render’s autoscaling—based on CPU and memory—is inconsistent and unreliable. Queue time is the true measure of server capacity, and Judoscale is the only autoscaler for Render that uses it.Learn more about request queue time

visualization of request queue time

Web services and background workers

Queue time isn’t just for web services. Judoscale also uses queue latency to autoscale your background workers, making sure your job queues never back up.

screenshot of web and worker instances in Judoscale

Faster and more reliable than Render’s autoscaler

A capacity issue needs to trigger autoscaling as quickly as possible, and Judoscale is the fastest autoscaler available. Our autoscaling algorithm runs every 10 seconds, ensuring your app scales up before users notice an issue.

screenshot of scaling up fast

Reduce your Render compute costs

Your Render services are probably overscaled, and Judoscale can help. Our autoscaling algorithm is more efficient than Render’s, so you can scale down without sacrificing performance or peace of mind.

screenshot of a Heroku bill

Customize your autoscale behavior

Every app is different, and so Judoscale gives you complete control over how your app autoscales. You can scale by multiple instances at a time and tweak the frequency of scaling. Each process is configured independently with a few simple sliders.Explore the configs in our sandbox app

screenshot of Judoscale configuration options
  • Trusted by
    engineering teams
  • Over
    2.5 million
    autoscales per month
  • Since
    we are here to stay

Got questions?

Check out our docs for a whole lot more. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, send us an email!

  • What languages and frameworks does Judoscale support?

    We support many web frameworks and job/task queues for Ruby, Python, and NodeJS. See the full list in our docs.

  • What data can Judoscale access in my app?

    Our adapter libraries only collect queue-related metrics for requests and job queues along with basic process metadata. No actual request or job data is ever collected.

  • Can we have a call to see if Judoscale makes sense for our Render app?

    Sure, let’s talk! Use this link to book a call with us.

Judoscale’s deep integration with Sidekiq queues let us easily tag which queues we wanted a faster response. We were able to tune our scaling sensitivity for exactly our usage pattern of intermittent batches of large jobs.

Michael Buckbee
Founder, Gently Used Domains

Setting up queue-based autoscaling on @render in like 5 minutes thanks to @adamlogic. Used it a few years back on Heroku, was delighted when I discovered they now support Render! Saved me a lot of trouble finagling with Sidekiq and Render APIs and custom scripts.

Kyle Conarro
Ad Reform

If I was the king of the world, I would make it illegal to horizontally scale based on execution time. Scale based on queue depths, people!

Nate Berkopec
The Complete Guide to Rails Performance

Chameleon has been extremely stable thanks to Judoscale. We have very high spikes in traffic, and I don’t even have to think about it.

Brian Norton
Co-founder & CTO, Chameleon

We could see the care in Judoscale’s documentation, the gems were well-documented and designed with a general sense of quality.

Sean Devine

Request queue time is the single most important part of this. Scaling by CPU and memory consumption makes no sense—your server should have stable memory usage and nearly 100% CPU utilization.

Nate Matykiewicz
Senior Developer, Dwell

We’re really impressed by the simplicity and ease of use of Judoscale. We’ve gone from constant worries over site performance, to complete confidence in our configuration. What a great tool!

Christopher Batts
Co-Founder & CEO, Setyl

Start autoscaling for free

Setup takes less than 5 minutes